Work Place Motivation and Job Burnout of Employees Working in Private Banking Sector in Coimbatore District, South India
job Burnout is emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual exhaustion. High levels of stress can ultimately cause exhaustion and break-down. Excess stress can lead to Burnout, the fall – out being low levels of Job Involvement or rather low levels of Job Involvement leading to Burnout. The study found emotional exhaustion to have significant effects on employees‟ intent to stay in the organization directly and through the mediation of affective commitment. Job burnout is considered an outcome of organizational politics due to the influence of various independent variables like job attitude, job involvement etc on the same. Like the proverbial chicken and egg story, it is difficult to establish a cause effect relationship between Burnout and Job Involvement. Burnout can have serious implications for the managers in affecting their productivity and thereby affect the organizations adversely. It is not the complacent, easy going individual who runs the highest risk of Burnout. Instead, it is those with high expectations and a sense of purpose who are the greatest victims, people with high standards for themselves and for others. Findings of the study provide strong implications for banking management to have careful insight about the attitudinal and behavioral problems of the employees. The limitations and future area of research are also discussed in the study.
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