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Storing and Indexing Spatial Data in P2P Systems

S. Imavathy, S. Mahalakshmi, R. Uma Maheswari, T. Vaishnavi, P. Vennila


In a Computer Network, the peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm has become very popular for loading and distributing information in separate manner that is from one single system to another system. At first, theP2P systems are very useful in sharing the one dimensional information. But nowadays, the need for P2P applications with multidimensional data has risen, inspiring research on P2P systems that can handle such type of data. Now the point to focus is on structured P2P systems that share spatial information (partial) and also we have to found the area and directionality of the multidimensional information. We present SPATIALP2P, which is a totally and inherently distributed P2P network and also a totally separate indexing and searching framework that is suitable for spatial data. SPATIALP2P supports P2P applications in which spatial information of various sizes can be dynamically edited, updated, and peers can leave or join. SPATIALP2P efficiently handles changes in the spatial information and in the network structure caused by joining or leaving peers without the need of load balancing or restructuring. Finally, contrary to existing DHT-based approaches, SPATIALP2P captures the locality and directionality of the 2D space.


peer-to-peer,P2P applications,index structure

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