Forecasting Using Data Mining for Quality Function Deployment: A Literature Review
Quality function Deployment (QFD) is a most promising customer driven planning tool that plays very crucial role in product development. Customer Requirements (CRs) are the heart of QFD. In today’s rapid changing world, CRs are also dynamic in nature. Hence it would be beneficial for the company to know these beforehand. Thus, forecasting of CRs is highly recognized in QFD. There are several techniques of forecasting that can be applied to QFD. Data Mining [DM] is one of them. This paper aims to create a data bank to facilitate the referencing needs of researchers and practitioners in this area. To this end, this paper presents the literature review pertaining to this topic. The literature review is based on the data collected from various research papers, tools and web sources. The data has been presented in the form of categorical fields such as QFD, QFD and Forecasting, Data Mining, Data Mining and forecasting etc. The category Data Mining is further classified into its application areas such as stock, finance, manufacturing etc., which will strongly assist in easy referencing to the researchers.
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