An Analytical Study on Behavior of Clusters Using EM and K-Means Algorithm
Clustering is an unsupervised learning method that constitutes a cornerstone of an intelligent data analysis process. It is used for the exploration of inter-relationships among a collection of patterns, by organizing them into homogeneous clusters. Clustering has been dynamically applied to a variety of tasks in the field of Information Retrieval (IR). Clustering has become one of the most active area of research and the development. Clustering attempts to discover the set of consequential groups where those within each group are more closely related to one another than the others assigned to different groups. The resultant clusters can provide a structure fororganizing large bodies of text for efficient browsing and sea rching. There exists a wide variety of clustering algorithms that has been intensively studied in the clustering problem. Among the algorithms that remain the most common and effectual, the iterative optimization clustering algorithms have been demonstrated reasonable performance for clustering, e.g. the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and its variants, and the well known kmeans algorithm. This paper presents an analysis on how partition method clustering techniques – EM and K -means algorithm work on heartspect dataset with below mentioned features – Purity, Entropy, CPU time, Cluster wise analysis, Mean value analysis and inter cluster distance. Thus the paper finally provides the experimental results of datasets for five clusters to strengthen the results that the quality of the behavior in clusters in EM algorithm is far better than kmeans algorithm.
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