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Exploratory Model using Fuzzy Logic for Evaluation of Attitude and Aptitude

R. Sridhar, S. Balasubramanian


Human development depends on Physical health, Aptitude and Attitude. Physical health refers to Overweight, Normal and Underweight using Body Mass Index. Aptitude refers to intellectual ability or talent to solve the problem and Attitude refers to gunas which indicates the „inherent energy or tendency‟ with which the mind functions. Attitude are categorized as Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic type. Aptitude are classified as high, medium and low. We developed statistical based method and Fuzzy Logic based method, to find the relationship between attitude, aptitude and physical. 535 males and 320 females were given questionnaire based on attitude, aptitude and physical. We are able to find each individual inherent tendency with intellectual ability and physical has no effect on it. Males are rajasic nature with low aptitude and females are rajasic nature with medium aptitude. The inherent tendency of 855 candidates are rajasic nature with low aptitude. Attitude plays dominant role in the development of aptitude.


Attitude, Aptitude, Fuzzy Logic, BMI.

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