“Data Management Privacy Control in MongoDB”
Space, Time and Privacy are important keys for data management systems. The NoSQL data management systems, has highly compress data with non relational database management systems, which often support data management of web applications, still do not provide support. It consists of the enhancement of the MongoDB level based access control model with privacy keys for security and monitor. The proposed monitor is easily used into any MongoDB deployment control with high protection for data security. In recent years, database obtrusion has become a crucial feature in computing. Since the rapid data growth and need to keep it safer require organizations to integrate how they manage and use their data. So to meet the necessities, No-SQL has proven to be much better over RDBMS due to its high scalability. No-SQL databases has a large amount of Redundant data. To address this neophyte challenges and further achieve a dependable and secure storage service, different storage efficiency approaches are used. To store original data at one place and producing a pointer table which locate the copies of data, various key value pairs received the output are collected. Key-value pairs with the pointer table are now stored as a single document using Document-Oriented. The main reason of using MongoDB is its much better scalability as a document may contain further various type documents with different key pairs. The MongoDB is used for the purpose, as document based No-SQL storage are more efficient with easy handling in network.
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