Acquisition of Patient Statistics Using ZigBee and Sensors
Medical science is a burgeoning field and needless to say, „patient care‟ is the lynchpin of it. The main objective of this paper is the real time monitoring of the patients. The system comprises of two main stages. In the first stage, the data are acquired from the patients using sensors, and In the second stage, the data are transferred wirelessly via ZigBee to a central monitoring system where it is stored in a database for further use by the doctor.ZigBee technology is a relatively new entrant in the field of wireless communications and is specifically designed for sensor networks. It offers many advantages such as low power consumption, two way transmissions etc. This paper exploits the functionalities of ZigBee along with sensors and microcontroller for acquiring patient statistics.
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HM4AII: A Vital Signs Monitoring System based in Spatially Distributed ZigBee Networks Helena Fernandez-Lopez, Jose A. Afonso and J. H. Correia and Ricardo Simoes Institute of Polymers and Composites
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MSDN library- online
PIC 16f877a datasheet
XBee specifications- data sheet
MAXIM +5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers- datasheet
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