Implementation of MP3 Decoder on ARM
This paper proposes implementation of MP3 decoder on processor core. Due to the high cost of ASIC, FPGA chips, MP3 decoders are mostly implemented through software rather than hardware. This makes it necessary and demanding to implement and optimize the MP3 decoder for a given platform. This paper describes the challenges and optimization techniques useful for implementing the MP3 decoder algorithm on the RISC-based ARM processor. The goals for this work have been the following: One goal has been to compile an introduction to the subject of MP3 encoding and decoding as well as psychoacoustics. Another goal has been to search for algorithms that can be used to implement the most demanding components of an MP3 decoder. A third goal is to evaluate their performance with regard to speed, memory requirements, and complexity by implementing it on hardware. ARM processor is used for MP3 solution has a significant advantage over DSP-based implementations, is that all the required processing can be performed on the ARM as a standalone processor. This helps reduce power consumption, minimizes chip area and considerably simplifies the hardware and software development process.
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