Addiction Avoider using Embedded System
About half the populations of the world are addicted to one or more addictive substances. Addiction is one of the chronic disorders that are characterized by the repeated use of substances or behaviors despite clear evidence of morbidity secondary to such use. It is a combination of genetic, biological/pharmacological and social factors. Example: Overeating, Having sex, Gambling, Alcohol drinking, Taking Narcotic Drugs and Certain Mannerisms. In this paper we are going to see about a design of device that can entirely avoid addiction. The device Addiction Avoider is based upon the principle of controlling “Brain waves”.
frequency,Physical dependency,Addiction.
„Detection of seizures in epileptic and non-epileptic patients using GPS and Embedded Systems‟ by Abhiram Chakraborty – Ukranian Journal of Telemedicine and medical Telematics (TOM 3 No.2 Pg 211)
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