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IoT Based Air Pollution and Garbage Monitoring System
The Internet on Things(IOT) offerings are changing urban communities by enhancing framework, making more proficient and financially savvy metropolitan administrations, improving open transportation, and keeping residents protected and more occupied with the group. Garbage creates unhygienic condition for the people and creates bad odor around the surroundings. It is detrimental some deadly diseases & human illness. Air pollution is the world’s deadliest environmental problem. The main source of air pollution happens due to vehicles. It affects men, animals, plants, forests, and also has a solids effect on atmosphere. It is detrimental to human health causing major respiratory disorders. In Previous years in city all Trash can is full or not is check by municipal worker manually and in air pollution there are measure harmful gases are separately to avoid all such situations I am going to implement a project called IOT Based Air Pollution & Garbage Monitoring system in which i will monitor the Air Quality and garbage detection over a web server using internet and use MQ-135 gas Sensor is measure all gases like CO2, smoke, alcohol, NH3and benzene.
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