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A Survey on VANET Security Challenges

Jay Rupareliya, Sunil Vithalani, Chirag Gohel


The vehicles, in the near future, may become intelligent systems by using radio communications interfaces. Therefore, VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks), a communication network using vehicles, can be formed. VANETs are one type of mobile ad hoc networks where cars can be considered as the mobile nodes. There are several unique features of VANETs, for example, the high mobility of nodes, short connection times, etc., so, conservative security mechanisms are not always successful. As a result, a wide diversity of research contributions has been recently presented to cope with the essential uniqueness of vehicular communication. This paper provides a summary of the privacy and security challenges that need to be defeat to make such networks safely usable in practice. It identifies all existing security problems in VANETs and classifies them.


Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Security, Attacks

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