A Novel Approach for Blowfish Algorithm
Security is the most challenging aspects in the internet and network applications. Internet and networks applications are growing very fast, so the importance and the value of the exchanged data over the internet or other media types are increasing. Hence the search for the best solution to offer the necessary protection against the data intruders‟ attacks along with providing these services in time is one of the most interesting subjects in the security related communities. Cryptography is the one of the main categories of computer security that converts information from its normal form into an unreadable form. The two main characteristics that identify and differentiate one encryption algorithm from another are its ability to secure the protected data against attacks and its speed and efficiency in doing so. This paper provides the principal goal of designing any encryption algorithm is to hide the original message and send the non readable text message to the receiver so that secret message communication can take place over the web. The strength of an encryption algorithm depends on the difficulty of cracking the original message. A number of symmetric key encryption algorithms like DES, TRIPLE DES, AES, and BLOWFISH have been developed to provide greater security affects one over the other. Although the existing algorithms have their own merits and demerits but this paper presents a new approach for data encryption based on Blowfish algorithm. The blowfish algorithm is safe against unauthorized attack and runs faster than the popular existing algorithms. With this new approach we are implementing a technique to enhance the security level of blowfish algorithm and to further reduce the time for encryption and decryption.
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