A Survey on Optimal Opportunistic Routing in Mobile Social Network
Mobile social networks (MSNs consists of lots of mobile nodes which are socially related and these nodes are intermittently connected. In mobile social networks mobile devices communicate with each other in a”store-carry-forward” fashion. The main purpose of previous social aware algorithms is to identify routing problems in MSNs and these algorithms have ability to send messages to the nodes by considering only locally optimal social characteristics, due to high computing cost they fail to achieve the good performance. In this paper, so we proposed a optimal Community-Aware Opportunistic Routing (CAOR) algorithm and design a home-aware community model whose main purpose is to convert MSN network into network which consist of communities and nodes. if we can compute optimal relay set for message delivery using reverse Dijkstra algorithm and compute network delays for each node we can achieve optimal performance. As number of communities are less in number than number of nodes in magnitude computing cost reduced due to reduction in contact information.
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