A Survey on Transmission Power Control Schemes for Wireless Body Area Network
The constant miniaturization of sensor devices has empowered the development of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) in which various sensors are attached on clothing or on the body or even implanted under the skin. Efficient utilization of power in Wireless Body Area Networks is an important issue due to its miniaturized size and light weight of sensor devices. It is observed through the literature survey, that there are different conventional Transmission Power Control (TPC) schemes available for wireless networks. However they are not suitable for WBAN networks because of high temporal variations in it. To overcome that problem, a novel energy-efficient Adaptive Power Control (APC) algorithm is also developed which is based on the feedback from base station to adjust Transmission Power (TP) level adaptively. This improves the performance of algorithm by saving more energy with acceptable Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and reduces the complexity in implementation to provide desired tradeoff between energy savings and link reliability. In this paper, the overview of Wireless Body Area Network with different TPC schemes is discussed. The survey on various transmission power control schemes of WBANs with the algorithm, merits and limitations is also dealt in this paper.
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