Resource Reservation Based On Mobility Prediction in Personal Communication Systems
IEEE 802.11 Mobility of the users in Personal Communication systems gives rise to the problem of mobility management. Predictive reservation allows the reservation of resources for an ongoing call in the next cell, so that the call is sustained when the Mobile Station (MS) moves to the next cell. Mobility management covers the methods for storing and updating the location information. of the mobile users served by them. Mobility prediction thus becomes an inevitable process in mobility management. Mobility prediction is defined as the prediction of the mobile user’s next movement where the user is traveling between the cells of the network. By using the predicted movement, the system can effectively allocate resources to the most probable-to move cell instead of blindly allocating resources in the entire neighborhood of the cell. Mobility prediction based on data mining method to predict the mobile user’s next movement is implemented in this project. The method is based on mining the User Actual Paths to discover the regularities in the patterns, extracting mobility rules from these patterns and finally, the matching rule, having the highest confidence plus support value corresponding to the current trajectory of the user, is used to predict the mobile user’s next cell movement. Through accurate prediction, the system can reserve resources in an efficient manner, thus leading to improved resource utilization. The performance of the method is evaluated through simulation. The results obtained in each phase leading to more accurate prediction of the mobile user’s next cell movement have been presented.
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