Survey Paper on Monitoring and Managing of IaaS Environment in Cloud Computing Platform
The adoption of cloud by large enterprises and startups is on rise. This cloud is infrastructure as service provider and all the aspects of infrastructure procurement and management can highly automated. The infrastructure services provided are highly available and scalable. To take advantage of such services along with benefits enterprises are adopting cloud very fast. Demand for heavy automation is main challenge in the adoption of cloud providers apart from the limitations related to legal, licensing. With the help of cloud computing platforms, companies provide infrastructure quickly and efficiently than ever before. But the power to scale quickly also introduces more complexity. It allows you to create virtual machines on demand, load balance them, and various other services. Because of this we get access to built-in monitoring and can deploy applications to their platform which are built on top of that as a service. The cloud adoption comes with the challenges of managing product deployments, backups, recovery, retention and monitoring on cloud. The traditional solutions fall short to cover these requirements on cloud as they are not cloud ready by design. This proposed method describes possible solution to solve above mentioned problems of managing cloud resources.
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