Secure Authorized Deduplication in Hybrid Cloud with Public Auditing
In a cloud computing environment, there is an increasing amount of storage and network in the cloud system. Cloud storage enables the individuals and organizations outsource their storage data at a lower cost. Based on increasing number of users, the data stored on the cloud will also be increasing day by day. The critical challenge of cloud storage is to manage the continuous increasing amount of data. Deduplication in cloud computing takes an important role in cloud structure. It will be used to remove the multiple copies of data in a dataset and then holds only the unique data. To protect the data security, first formally address the problem in authorized deduplication. The traditional encryption techniques secure the user’s sensitive data. To provide the data confidentiality to the user’s outsourced data which is stored on the public cloud convergent encryption technique has been used. In this paper provides the secure authorized duplication with public auditing for large number of files and conduct test bed experiments using our prototype.
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