A Study on Cyber Physical System and Network Security
Cyber-Physical (CPSs) are characterized by integrating computation and physical processes. The theories and applications of CPSs face the enormous challenges. The aim of this work is to provide a better understanding of this emerging multi-disciplinary methodology. The research progresses are summarized from different perspectives such as energy control, secure control, transmission and management, control technique, system resource allocation, and model-based software design. The research challenges and some suggestions for future work are in brief outlined. The computer network technology is developing rapidly, and the development of internet technology is more quickly, people more aware of the importance of the network security.
Network security is main issue of computing because many types of attacks are increasing day by day. Protecting computer and network security are critical issues. The malicious nodes create a problem in the network. This malicious nodes acts as selfishness. After analyzing and quantifying the network information security elements confidentiality, integrity and availability. This paper describes the network security confidentiality vector, network security integrity vector and network security availability vector and also some major type of attacks in networks.
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