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Privacy Protected Query Processing using Advanced Location Based Service

U. Nithyapriya, M. Kalimuthu


The increasing trend of embedding positioning capabilities in mobile devices facilitates the widespread use of Location-Based Services. For such applications to succeed, privacy and confidentiality are essential. Due to the nature of spatial queries, AN LBS needs the user position in order to process the requests. Existing methods explicitly target processing in the Euclidean space and do not apply when proximity to the users is defined according to network distance (e.g., driving time through the roads of a city) in proposed system framework for anonymous query processing in road networks is made. We propose designing of location obfuscation techniques that: 1) provide anonymous LBS access to the users and 2) allow efficient query processing at the LBS side. An efficient index, called distance signature, for distance computation and query processing over long distances is proposed. Distance signature discretizes the distances between objects and network nodes into categories and then encodes these categories. Apart from this two privacy protection requirements in LBS are also proposed: location anonymity and identifier anonymity which enhances the QOS.


Location Based Service, Query Processing, and Distance Signature

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