A Novel Approach for Secure Processing of Service Request with Security Manager in Cloud
Cloud computing is globally connected computing
resource in same point, which supports all types of resource for executing an application or software. It provides all its resource as services like software as service and also hardware as service in infrastructure service. The cloud is accessed by millions of user at a
single point of time, since cloud is centralized service provider and all the request that is sent by the user has to be processed and it should respond to the user , where the security of the cloud also
depends on processing the requests. Hence this paper comes with a novel approach to provide a secure processing of the user service request, with security manager which monitors the overall cloud environment for any intrusion by the outsider and also by the cloud users. This approach provides secure environment for both cloud user
and also cloud service provider. It gives better response time and throughput for the cloud user and also security for the cloud resource and confidential data in cloud.
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