Hierarchical Cluster Based Efficient Data Acquisition and Detection of Smart Attackers Using IDS
Energy consumption and security are major issues in designing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In which, Smart attack and selective capture is one of the most important security issues in WSN which cripples the basic data delivery functionality of a base station in the network. In order to overcome this issue, existing Adaptive Defense Management Network (ADMN) utilizes multipath communication and radio range adjustment to improve data acquisition. However it consumes more energy and detection of smart attack is poor. In the proposed Hierarchical Cluster based Efficient Defense Network (HCEDN) the nodes are grouped into cluster. The node near the cluster head will have IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to detect the attackers. The cluster heads in the lower level will vote for cluster heads communicating with Base station to identify smart attackers. In HCEDN, data acquisition is secured between each cluster and base station using IDS and voting for identifying smart attacks. It also overcomes smart attacks by radio frequency adjustment and optimized multipath communication. Hence, the proposed HCEDN optimizes energy level of each node by clustering which increases network life time, throughput and reduces energy consumption compared with existing ADMN.
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