An Enhanced Security Algorithm for Data Transmission in Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a large scale distributed computing paradigm in which a pool of computing resources is available to users via the Internet. Hence Security plays an important role in cloud computing. The universal technique for providing confidentiality of transmitted data is cryptography. This paper provides a technique to encrypt the data using watermark and send the encrypted data through cloud to the requested user. For authentication the sender and receiver exchanges key between them. The key is approved by the owner then only the data accessed by the user. The Rubik’s Cube Encryption is used for the watermark encryption. The result shows better security than existing algorithms. This algorithm provides efficient transmission in heterogeneous computing environments.
2 � rc��o Encryption process takes in Client side using an RC6 (Block Cipher Algorithm) and SHA3(Secure Hash Algorithm) before data store in the cloud server or cloud storage. The server side decryption is taken in Authentication methodology. The access data in cloud categorized in (Public, Hybrid and Private Cloud) Public cloud access in open access documents to view not download, the Hybrid User can access the document with authentication code from the cloud server system, Private User can Access all type of secured data get Authenticate from the client system or client Email code verification in the Cloud Data. Authentication process to prevent the intruder, malicious attacker, Inside Attacker, Outside Attacker
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