Development of Field Propagation Model by Considering Climate Conditions in an Urban Area
It is important to consider many technical issues
before going to design and establish an expensive Wireless system. It
is necessary to see the mathematical predictions or calculations
before going to design such type of systems. This paper outlines and
compares the different path loss propagation models with measured
field data of received signal strength at Narnaul (Haryana, India) in
GSM frequency band. This mathematical study of path loss is carried
out in different climatic conditions like summer, winter, etc. The
study helped to design better GSM network for the urban areas
located near to these cities. The analysis shows that the measured
data is nearer to the Okumura model and still need some modification
to get more accurate results. The modification of Okumura model is
given by considering climatic effects along with the area factor in the
above mentioned area. The goal of this paper is to analyze
attenuation impact on the performance of a mobile station
respectively on the received signal quality to the end user.
Full Text:
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