Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) Protocols for Space Communications
Delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) technology offers a new solution to highly stressed communications in space environments, especially those with long link delay and frequent link disruptions in deep space missions. It is becoming a recognized research area in computer networks and space communications. Extensive research work has been done on DTN for space communications in the past several years including numerous publications (Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Requests for Comments (RFCs) among them), DTN protocol implementations, and some experimental work done over simulation testbeds and in space, both low-Earth orbit and deep space. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the emerging DTN protocols for space communications with focuses on DTN architecture, BP, convergence layer protocols, Long haul transmission protocol and their application in space. An overview of recent research and experimental activities on DTN for space communications is also presented.
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