Collaborative Study on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Honeypot, Denial-of-Service Attack (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack (DDoS)
This paper presents a collaborative study on recent advances in honeypot research and related topics. In reviewing the literature, we have covered the following areas: types of honeypots, utilizing honeypot output data, arranging honeypots, counteracting honeypot detections by attackers. Our literature reviews also indicate that the Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) as one of the most common internet attacks. An attempt is made to prevent legitimate network traffic from reaching the target and consequently to disable all services that this resource provides to the victim. DDoS attacks can be labeled in two levels: first one is application-level and another is network-level. Disadvantage in network-based application is that the communication port is commonly open.This allows attackers to possibly launch Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. It can be solved by using the port hopping technique, which can support many clients without the need of group synchronization in the presence of clock drift. The adaptive algorithm approach enables the synchronization in the presence of clock drift. Thus the honeypot provide the basic approach for network threats. The collaborative studies relate the advance study for the network attack detection and threats and provide multiple solution technique to analyze the same.
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