A Survey on Horizontal Scalability in Cloud Computing: An Overview
Cloud Computing system provides common online business applications as service that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored in servers. The service is accessible from anywhere in a network infrastructure without the geographical limitations. Cloud environments provide services to the larger audience through high scalability. Hence scalability is one of the major concerns of cloud computing. In Cloud Computing, the scalability is broadly classified into two types, namely horizontal scalability and vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability relates with the addition of more machines or devices to handle the increased demand of the cloud computing platform and Vertical Scalability is the power of the system that entails the addition of more resources to the same computing system. This paper deals with the various methodologies used for horizontal scaling. It points out various research challenges of horizontal scalability in cloud computing environmentComputing system provides common online business applications as service that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored in servers. The service is accessible from anywhere in a network infrastructure without the geographical limitations. Cloud environments provide services to the larger audience through high scalability. Hence scalability is one of the major concerns of cloud computing. In Cloud Computing, the scalability is broadly classified into two types, namely horizontal scalability and vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability relates with the addition of more machines or devices to handle the increased demand of the cloud computing platform and Vertical Scalability is the power of the system that entails the addition of more resources to the same computing system. This paper deals with the various methodologies used for horizontal scaling. It points out various research challenges of horizontal scalability in cloud computing environment
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