A New Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Computing
Internet, since the beginning of its work, has undergone many changes one of the latest changes are how the internet cloud computing. New technologies cloud computing offers because of features all kinds of facilities to the users as a service. Each evolution, change and novel concept in the world of technologies has its own problems and complications. Accordingly, benefiting from cloud computing is no exception to this rule and it has challenged researchers and proponents in this research domain. Indeed, some major challenges in cloud computing are: load balancing, safety, reliability, ownership, data backup, data portability and supporting several platforms. One challenge for such matters in the field of cloud computing is load balancing optimization in the cloud. The so-called cloud computing, including virtualization, distributed computing, networking, software and Web services. With respect to the ever increasing significance of load balancing in cloud computing the researchers in this paper intended to improve load balancing by using a novel method. The efficiency of the proposed method was analyzed and compared with those of other studies. The results of the present study revealed that the proposed method is better than other dynamic virtual machine (VM) consolidation algorithms in terms of reducing SLA (service levels agreement) violation and the amount of transmitted data volume transmission has to present a better performance than other methods.
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