Graphical Password Authentication using Data Encryption Technique – A Review Approach
One of the most important security features used today are passwords. It is important for both you and all your users to have secure, unguessable passwords. To strengthen the password storage, the system uses data encryption technique along with honey encryption. To defeat the DDoS attack, a shopping website is created, in such that the security of passwords provides. A server stores a set of honeywords and passwords from the user during the registration process. Password cracking programs work on a simple idea: they try every word in the dictionary, and then variations on those words, encrypting each one and checking it against your encrypted password. If they get a match they know what your password is. Artifactory provides a unique solution to this problem by generating encrypted passwords for users based on secret keys stored in Artifactory. You can ensure users' shared passwords are never stored or transmitted as clear text.
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