A Survey and the Analysis of Cloud-based Scheduling Algorithms in the Allocation of Virtual Machines
Cloud computing is the new developments in the field of information technology that will develop over time. From an economic perspective, load balancing cloud environments, is of great importance. Since cloud computing platform, a fully automated server platform and allows users to buy, build remote, dynamic scalability and load balancing the system management of the system acting as a controversial debate has become. This distribution is always a solution is needed, because the unemployed and inactive always keeping one or more servers just to do some demands, possible or not effective. It is obvious that due to the scale and complexity of the centralized systems assign tasks to specific servers will be impossible. Service Provider for proper management of resources, the need to load balance the service provider is recommended. This paper examines the different scheduling algorithms that balance in the distribution of resources is very important to discuss the results of the performance of the algorithm in load balancing cloud resources can be compared with each other.
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