A Novel QoS Efficient Clustering and Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
A recent survey on the wireless sensor network plays a vital role. Wireless sensor network is an important technology in this era. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a distributed network which means dividing the network equally contains enormous sensor nodes with wide range of application. It transmits unlimited and huge number of data like image, video, audio and data through end to end network. WSNs offer more solution to remote real time monitoring, recognition of physical incident and target tracking applications. This network growth is increasing rapidly day by day and made the survey in difficult recovery. The extension of the network lifetime, effective load balancing and scalability are essential for WSNs. The life time of the wireless network can be extended depend upon concept of clustering. Clustering is the process of grouping the smaller networks in highly structured manner. Many of the cluster technology available based on the network in which the clustering concept will be used. The efficient usage of bandwidth is provided by an efficient algorithm and also reduce the delay in the network. This paper provides the survey of clustering and routing protocols to enhance the efficiency in wireless technology in recent years.
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