A Survey on Secured Frequent Pattern Discovery Schemes under the Cloud Environment
The cloud computing environment supports resources for the data storage and computational tasks. The data privacy models are applied to protect the sensitive attributes in the public data values. The data values are partitioned and maintained under different sources. The data sources are partitioned in two ways vertical and horizontal partitions. The data values are collected in the centralized environment for the pattern discovery process. The partitioned data values are shared and mined using the cloud sources. Horizontal and vertical partition based rule mining operations are carried out with cloud resources. The data collection and integration operations are performed under the cloud server. The cloud server also handles the frequent pattern discovery operations. The data and task analysis operations are carried out with cloud support. The frequent pattern discovery model controls the data leakages in data transmission and mining operations. The K-Anonymity method is adapted for the data privacy and the RSA algorithm is applied for the data transmission security operations.
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