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Dual Axis Solar Tracking System

V. A. Abishek, M. Anish, S. Jijo Ferdinal, M. S. Muthukumar


This project proposes a novel design of an automated dual axis solar tracking system using a four-quadrant Light Dependent Resistor (L.D.R). The proposed system uses the tracker to actively track the solar radiation and accordingly adjust the panel to maximize the power output. The project focuses on the simulation and implementation of the most efficient algorithm on the dual axis solar tracker which rotates in azimuth and elevation direction. This simulation positions the panel in a hemi spherical rotation absorbing maximum solar irradiation thus increasing the total electricity generation. Dual axis solar tracker can simultaneously track sun’s radiation in both horizontal and vertical axis. They use the same principle as the mountings of astronomical telescopes. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the device tracks seasonal variations and daily tilt. The work focuses on the design and fabrication of automatic dual axis solar tracker prototype using Arduino code based on microcontroller along with fundamental of solar panel parameter and its use. The device is able to simulate the sun’s tracking of 12 months within few minutes thus, implementing automation mechanism in tracking system

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