5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number Switches
Multilevel converters offer high power capability, associated with lower output harmonics and lower commutation losses. Their main disadvantage is their complexity, requiring a great number of power devices and passive components, and a rather complex control circuitry. This work reports a new multilevel inverter topology using an H-bridge output stage with a bidirectional auxiliary switch. The new topology produces a significant reduction in the number of power devices and capacitors required to implement a multilevel output. The new topology is used in the design of a five-level inverter; only five controlled switches, eight diodes, and two capacitors are required to implement the five-level inverter using the proposed topology. The new topology achieves a 37.5% reduction in the number of main power switches required (five in the new against eight in any of the other three configurations) and uses no more diodes or capacitors that the second best topology in the literature, the Asymmetric Cascade configuration.
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