A Context-Aware Anti-Theft and Alert System using Geofence
Today’s widespread issues related to vehicles theft are increasing on a daily basis and affecting the society in many adverse ways. In past few decades stolen rate has been increased more. Accidental- problems, rape cases, transportation and vehicle stolen cause a major challenge to all. Almost all people have their own vehicles and want to secure domain for them. Raising awareness about this major challenge, we need to make an enable innovative idea implemented on geofence system. This system enables geofence, and reflex detection when followed mobile object pass in or leaving these areas. The paper presents thoughts of geofencing and applications based on this procedure, car chasing. The geofence can permits to set a limit area where a car is permitted or not permitted to travel. This will aware if your car driver happens to travel across the set limit. Geofence warnings will warn when a car driver come in or leavings their job-site. GPS tracking devices fixed with geofence alerts gives your tackle much more safety.
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