128 Bit High Speed Manchester Carry Chain Adder Implemented using 22nm Strained Silicon Technology with a Supply Voltage of 0.8V
In this paper, a 128 bit high speed Manchester carry chain (MCC) adder is implemented using 22nm strained silicon technology with a supply voltage of 0.8V. The non – idealities such as variability and leakage current, may significantly degrade the performance of digital circuits as the technology approaches to nanometer regime. In this paper, the effect of temperature on the performance of the Manchester carry chain adder circuit is analyzed in detail and its performance is compared with the same circuit implemented using 90nm CMOS technology. The even and odd carries of the MCC adder are computed separately using two different carry chains. This will improves the operating speed of the adder. 8-Bit MCC adder modules are used for constructing 128 bit MCC adder.
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