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Negotiation of Requirements and Requirements Prioritization

Rajeshkumar Myilsamy


The purpose of this paper is to bring to the notice of the readers the problem of decision making and requirements prioritisation in the requirements analysis phase. The success or failure of a new system depends on the ever changing and sometimes annoying task of requirements definition. During the development of large systems such as incrementally developed system, there are different versions of the software which are released over a large period of time depending on the customer and business needs. In such an environment, there are more customer requirements which need to be implemented than the available resources and budget. Each customer has different concerns and expectations from the system. When the customer expectations are high, timelines are short, and resources are limited, the developers want to make sure the product contains the most essential requirements. In a scenario where there are many requirements and multiple customers involved, there is a need for a process which can take care of the individual needs of the customers and at the same time create a win-win situation for all customers.


Re-engineering, Requirements Analysis, Requirements Prioritisation, Negotiation Techniques

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