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Overcoming Global Distance in Globally Distributed Developments by Web Based Framework

Varun Gupta, Maneesha Srivastav


Software development is a multisite affair these days that is categorized by distribution of the development activities across distributed development teams that can be visualized as single virtual team. The various activities of requirement engineering require effective communication between various stakeholders that must collaborate in distributed environment. Thus global distance creates problems that overweight’s the real benefits that can be ripped out from various features of GSD like 24 hour development etc. In order to overcome the problems, both asynchronous and synchronous communication is required between various stakeholders. This paper proposes the web based framework that overcomes the problems in GSD by overcoming the global distance “factor” from global software development and making the virtual teams as single site development teams by making them work in close proximity with each other. Thus this framework overcomes the global distance thereby promoting the communication, coordination and control in distributed software developments. This framework supports various activities of Requirement Engineering like requirement elicitation, prioritization and negotiation.


Coordination, Communication, Global Software Development, Global Distance, Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Web Based Framework.

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