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Automated Tool to Calculate Complexity of Object Oriented Program

Karan Dhadge, Reena Pagare, Saurabh Karajgikar, Anand Magadum, Chakreshprasad Mahajan


Software complexity is a term that encompasses numerous properties of a piece of software all of which affect software quality. Object-oriented design and development is becoming very popular in today's software development environment. Object oriented development requires not only a different approach to design and implementation, it requires different approach to software metrics to measure the quality of software. Software metrics reflects the design quality of a software system. Software metrics can be used in a software development process to improve the design of the implementation. This paper is mainly concerned with calculating the software metrics using an automated tool that will calculate metrics for inputted program and display the result as text and graph as Kiviat chart. The tool has provision to edit the code with rich formatting options and compile it in the same environment. Provision for setting threshold values and adding any metric is provided. The tool is completely independent with respect to platform i.e. platform independent and interface i.e. independent interface is provided.


Metrics, Object Oriented, Complexity, Threshold

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