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Implementation of Object Oriented Programming Technique to Generate Optimal Test Cases

Tarun Dhar Diwan, Rinky Sahu


Test Cases are generated with help of Object, Sequence, Activity, Collaboration, State-Chart diagrams. Numerous applications developed with help activity diagram to generate test cases. Lacking in generalization and automation. These are two basic pit falls of present procedure to software testing. Basically testing done manually even for test cases generation. When it is being automated it fails to be generalized only for that particular or some application it fits. Validation of obtained test cases is manual. In case automated system obtained test cases should be validated manually to use such test cases to analysis the software. Test Cases are generated based on code by which the application being developed. Existing system based on code analysis certainly depend on language used and application. Generalization is quite difficult. Since test case generation from design specifications has the added advantage of allowing test cases to be available early in the software development cycle, UML Class diagram is used. Implementation of object oriented programming technique to generate optimal test cases. Validation of test cases is automated. Evolutionary Genetic algorithm is used generate valid and optimal patterns necessary. Test cases can be easily generated in case of regression testing. Even in case of reengineering of software, updates once reflected in design specification automatically new set test cases can be generated. Reduce complexity to analysis the code.


UML Class, Object-Oriented Programming, Testing, Verification Method.

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