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Way to Component based Vending Machine

M.K. Pawar, Dr. Ravindra Patel, Dr.N. S. Chaudhari


The paper demonstrates the design and implementation of component based software for building Vending Machine components. Component based software engineering (CBSE) is an approach to system-design that means to move the importance of conventional programming application to component based system. An application is yet developing on a single operating system and a single language. We have implemented the application that is based on platform independent and language independent. Through this paper we are focusing to implement an application in any language and any platform using CORBA middleware standard. The paper describes the use of an open-source IDL Compiler omniORB for C++ to IDL mapping for building the model of vending machine components which are based on multiple server and a single client. The main feature of an application is the distribution of its components to overcome the problem of domain specific application. Here we used an Object Request Broker (ORB), which outlines the common platform for CORBA based applications


Component Interoperability, Component Objects, Component Communication

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