Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have made it easier for people to live in various fields: medical engineering, agriculture. Together with computing power and wireless networking, sensing technology makes it lucrative for its potential abundance of use. Since the many uses of such systems have been used, lightweight, inexpensive, disposable and self-contained computers, known as sensor nodes or "motes" are created. WSNs are commonly used in applications for monitoring, tracking and control. These include: centralized management, system heterogeneity, protocol routing, versatility of node, privacy of information and restricted computing capacity [1]. WSN covers a wide geographical area; the question of routing protocols, scalability and security should therefore be addressed. In the traditional networking technique there are major benefits due to the low cost and cooperative design of Wireless Networks (WNs). The networks with wireless sensors have more advantages over wired networks. Although wireless networks have various advantages, they are vulnerable to security problems. Due to the broader application, safety has become an important issue for wireless sensor networks.
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