Efficient Data Aggregation and Collection in Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks
In several wireless sensor network the energy conservation is a major problem .In this WSN once the energy gets lost the sensor moves to die condition and so it cannot possible to replace the battery in sensor. So energy conservation is difficult in sensor network .The node which is closer to the base station has the responsible for collecting data from the entire node and send it to the base station .such node is called as root node or sink node (e.g., tree topology). This paper achieved the fast data collection by keeping the sink node always in the busy state .In this converge cast algorithm is used which contains Aggregated converge cast and Raw-data converge cast algorithm. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) are better fit for fast data collection since they can avoid collision and retransmission of data .Fast data collection with the aim of minimize the schedule length for aggregated converge cast.
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