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Secured Source Location Privacy using Infrastructure Centric Method

D. Sindhu, A. Tamilarasan, M. Santhosh, D. Ragavi, M. Divyanand


Wireless Sensor Network attains the major issue of localization problems. The accuracy of the localization depends upon the localization of sensor nodes with the highest security requirements. The source network consists of two parts which is named as common nodes as well as beacon nodes. The localization process is highly depends upon the common nodes. The proposed method consists of infrastructure- centric technique. The proposed technique is used to secure locate the common nodes within the routing protocol. It consists of multi-hop localization technique. Many attackers comprises of many wireless network attacks which initiates many false beacons as well as many false location of the beacons. The proposed methodology will eliminate the security problem within the common nodes during the localization of sensor nodes of the protocol. The network consists of various random nodes which has the deployment as well as the mobility concern. The implemented protocol consists of Infrastructure-centric localization systems to secure the source node location. Further, our projected set of rules presents low overhead thanks to the employment of abundant less manipulate messages in an exceedingly restricted transmission selection. Similarly, we've got to boot projected an formula to return across the malicious anchor nodes within the network. The simulated effects show that our projected formula is inexperienced in phrases of your time consumption, localization accuracy, and localization magnitude relation inside the presence of malicious nodes. Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) is the major factor indicating the location of nodes at the required position. The performance of the metrics can be analyzed using the energy calculation, alive and dead nodes during the transmission.


Multi-Hop Localization, Infrastructure-Centric Localization Systems, Malicious Anchor Nodes, Time Difference of Arrival

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