Selective Flooding based Improved AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs: Analysis & Implementation
A mobile adhoc network (MANET) is a selfconfiguring
network that can have an arbitrary topology along the
time. Each mobile host works as a router and it is free to move randomly and connect to other hosts arbitrarily. Thus, the network topology can change quickly and unpredictably since there may exist a large number of independent ad hoc connections. The default mechanism of route discovery in MANETs is flooding. The routing overheads caused because of broadcasting is a bottleneck i performance of AODV protocol. In this paper, improved AODV mprotocol is proposed, analyzed and implemented that follows an
efficient method of route discovery which adjusts itself dynamically based on the network density of MANET. The proposed algorithm is
analyzed in GloMoSim environment and implemented on base protocol as AODV. The simulation results show that improved- AODV (I-AODV) protocol significantly reduces the no. of rebroadcasts and hence reduces the routing overheads caused due to
broadcast storm in the network. The results show great improvements nover simple AODV protocol, in terms of performance measures such
as routing overheads, collisions rate, end to end delay, no. of broadcast requests etc. hence solves the broadcast bottleneck in
AODV protocol.
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