Performance Evaluation of Clustering Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
A wireless sensor network consists of many small sensor nodes distributed in a sensing area to aggregate the surrounding environmental data. The collected data are sent to a collection point called the sink node, which transmits the received data to a control station. The sensor nodes have many constraints such as limited power, limited bandwidth, limited processing time, and limited transmission range. The limited power in the sensor nodes is considered as one of the most important challenges in a wireless sensor network, as the network lifetime mainly depends on the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. WSNs need algorithm for reduce and efficient energy consumption of the network. In direct transmission and minimum transmission energy routing algorithms, energy consumption is not well distributed. However, MODLEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is a routing algorithm; Cluster Heads (CHs) was randamly choice in each round. Random choice of CHs does not achieves an efficient energy consumption of the network. There for, we proposed new clustering techniques for routing protocols, New Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (NMODLEACH) protocol. Network field is physically divided into two regions where equal number of nodes are radomly deployed in each region. In NMODLEACH, number of CHs is selected by MODLEACH algorithm in the first round. Optimum number of CHs is selected in each region. Throughout the network lifetime number of CHs are remain same.
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