Weather Parameters Acquisition by GPRS
Earlier some meteorology systems were based on Pseudo Random techniques. But it had bit errors and required correction techniques like Cyclic Redundancy Check which was time consuming. But in today’s date it is need of the hour to provide data with minimum error possible with fast transmission of the same. Hence to overcome the issues with the working system we thought of implementing the technique of GSM and GPRS to make the system more cost effective and robust. After implementing this system power consumption is reduced as compared to Pseudo Random system. This paper presents the design of a Weather Parameters Acquisition using GPRS. The system is being developed to sense the weather parameter via temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall sensors. Further they are transmitted to base station using GPRS module. The field station consists of GPRS module, LPC 2148, SD card as storage device. The data received from sensors is stored in SD card after the processing is done in the microcontroller. Controller also sends the data to GPRS module. The received data at the base station is stored in a file using computer. These files can be uploaded on the server for further applications.
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