Secured Autonomous Key Management with Bai’s Secret Sharing Scheme
Network security and cryptography are exceedingly more important in wireless networks and the study of confidentiality and authenticity are becoming very essential in the current scenario. In order to satisfy these requirements, Secret sharing scheme is exploited during communication. Secret sharing scheme is a way of distributing a secret between a set of participants in a communication process by providing each participant a share in such a way that only the group of participants is allowed to reconstruct the secret from a pooling of their shares. Providing secure multicast communication concern in the process of distributing cryptographic keys to the members in order that only the members of the group can take part in group communications. In order to establish a secured and protected group communication, a proper secret sharing scheme should be utilized. In addition, the nodes in a wireless network join and leave later during the process of communication. As a result, it is essential that the secret sharing scheme in wireless network to be dynamic. In this paper, Bai’s Secret Sharing Scheme is incorporated into Autonomous Key Management (AKM) for enhancing the security in wireless networks. This Secured AKM with Bai’s secret sharing scheme provides better security with low computation complexity and very low communication cost.
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