Modified-Dynamic Source Routing Protocol with Multi-cost Parameters for Effective Communication in MANETs
A Wireless ad-hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that dynamically form a network connection temporarily without any support of static infrastructure. Caused by mobility of nodes, routing take a vital role in transmission and numerous routing protocols are available like table driven, on-demand and hybrid. The protocol presents the mechanism which reduces route loops and confirms trustworthy message exchange. The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) algorithm is anon-demand routing protocol designed for ad-hoc mobile nodes. Hopcount, total interference, node link delay, residual energy of anode and the node transmission power are the cost parameters assigned for link and path of the ad-hoc networks. These parameters are combined in different optimization function with respect to various routing algorithm for selecting the optimal path. This paper accesses the Modified DSR (M-DSR) routing protocol with multi-cost parameters to acquire dynamic network performance metrics like routing overhead, energy, packet delivery ratio and throughput of mobile ad-hoc networks.
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