Empowering Security and Performance of TPA Pertinent in Single Cloud to Multi-Cloud
The use of cloud computing has increased rapidly in many organizations and it also deployed in technologies like 3G, 4G and pervasive applications. Ensuring the security of cloud computing is a major factor in the cloud computing environment as users often store sensitive information with cloud storage providers (CSP), but these providers may be untrusted. Even though a TPA audits the users data with correctness and integrity, dealing with single cloud providers is predicted to become less popular with service availability failure, possibility of malicious insiders and Byzantine faults in the single cloud. A movement towards Multi-Clouds or in other words inter-clouds or clouds- of- clouds has emerged recently; hence we need to protect the user data in Multi-Clouds with greater security in the form of public batch auditing and dynamic certification to perform continuous monitoring from single to Multi-Clouds, by this, it is to implement Cipher text – Policy Attribute Based Encryption(CP-ABE)[6] to achieve secure data sharing and also provides forward and data sharing and also provides forward and backward security in cloud computing to improve the security and performance with many number of users using the single to multi cloud environment[18].
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