Energy Sensible Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
Being an important factor in designing wireless sensor networks, network lifetime depends on the energy of the sensor nodes which is limited by the battery of the node. Clustering is considered to be an energy management strategy in wireless sensor networks. Random cluster selection in this method has lead to its inefficiency. In this paper we proposed Harmonic Search Algorithm for cluster head selection. We improved the energy consumption by partitioning the network and using the evolutionary algorithms for optimized cluster head selection considering WSN nodes position information and residual energy. The simulation results performed in MATLAB shows that our proposed algorithms are more efficient. The design and analysis of routing algorithm is an important issue in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Most traditional geographical routing algorithms cannot achieve good performance in duty-cycled networks. In this paper, we propose an Overlapping Analysis for wireless sensor networks. And we also analyse the cluster head energy, Node energy, Packet delivery ratio, Residual energy of the nodes in the Wireless Sensor Networks.
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